Explore our Innovative Training Equipment Geared Towards Posterior Chain Training!
4 products
Nordic Back Extension Machine V2
The Nordic Weight Bench
The EZ-Nord

500 LBS
350 LBS
700 LBS
The Tib Bar Guy is dedicated to providing the most innovative equipment for all home gym and Knees Over Toes training.
Our Nordic equipment boasts high-grade materials and extreme functionality, fitting into any person’s training routine or recovery process.
Are Nordic Curls difficult to perform?
Are Nordic Curls difficult to perform?
Nordic curls are a challenging but extremely rewarding exercise that anyone can achieve through gradual and controlled progression – exactly where our Nordic equipment shines!
Why are Nordic Curls Important?
Why are Nordic Curls Important?
Nordic ham curls are perfect for strengthening the hamstrings, which help stabilize your knee. Nordic curls can also improve how powerful and quick you can flex your knee, making you faster and more explosive!
They’re also often used as a rehab exercise for hamstring and knee injuries.
Are Nordic Hamstring Curls dangerous?
Are Nordic Hamstring Curls dangerous?
No, Nordic Curls are not inherently dangerous. Any exercise can cause injury when done with too much weight or without control, which is why our Nordic curl benches offer many levels of gradual progression from little to a full range of motion – so you can level up at your own speed!
Are Nordic hamstring curl machines important for Knees Over Toes training?
Nordic Curls are a staple in knees over toes training programs and are one of the most preferred ways of strengthening the hamstrings.
What Nordic bench is the best for beginners?
What Nordic bench is the best for beginners?
Beginners can reap the benefits of Nordic Curls by choosing any of our Nordic benches.
Will Nordic leg curls help with hamstring and knee injuries?
Will Nordic leg curls help with hamstring and knee injuries?
Nordic leg curls have been shown to help both prevent and treat hamstring and knee injuries and are often used as an exercise in progressive rehab programs.
What is The EZ-Nord?
What is The EZ-Nord?
The EZ-Nord is a Nordic Curl attachment meant to transform nearly any weight bench into your own personal Nordic Curl machine!
It’s quick to set up and much more practical than wrapping straps or a lifting belt around a bench.
What is The Nordic Weight Bench?
What is The Nordic Weight Bench?
The Nordic Weight Bench marries a Nordic Curl Bench with a high-quality adjustable weight bench.
This allows you to do Nordic Curls, dumbbell presses, seated good mornings, chest-supported dumbbell rows, and more!
And it comes at a fraction of the price that buying a regular weight bench and a dedicated Nordic Curl machine separately would!
What is The Nordic Pro?
What is The Nordic Pro?
The Nordic Pro is your one-stop shop for achieving the perfect Nordic Curl. It boasts a compact design with a thick, wide, and comfortable pad for your knees and durable ankle rollers that will keep your feet locked in.
Its eight levels of regression will get you from doing a partial Nordic Curl to a full-range one safely and measurably!
What is The Nordic Back Extension Machine?
What is The Nordic Back Extension Machine?
The Nordic Back Extension Machine is the most convenient and innovative way of building up your posterior chain through Nordic Curls and back extensions.
With just one piece of equipment, you get a dedicated full-size Nordic Bench and a back extension machine at a fraction of the price that buying both separately would cost you!
It features nine levels of regression and commercial-grade construction, ensuring that you’ll be progressing for years to come!
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Have additional questions?
Contact our incredible support team HERE for all your training, product, or general questions!